Sunday, August 22, 2010

The Day Before School

We are about 15 hours away from the first day of school...This will be the first year year that not all the kids will be at the same school. Zach will be in middle school and the rest in elementary. Last year was the last year for them to all be in the same school. It was nice for them to be able to see each other and for Jackson to know there were people there to support him, love on him. So this year will be a year of growth. Zach will be riding the bus to and from school the girls will be walking or riding bikes and Jack will also be riding the bus. New experiences for all and I'm sure Zach will enjoy being in a place of his own, not to mention riding the bus with friends so he can get some extra talk time in!
My hope for this year is that it will not be one of obstacles! Last year it seemed as though we were constantly up against obstacles we as a family could never catch a the time summer came we welcomed it with opened arms because we knew that for once we could actually relax and time was on our side instead of against us. I am hoping that this school year will be one where the kids can really enjoy the year and the learning that comes with it. I know that the calendar itself will be a doozie as it does not lend to many breaks during the year, but if the kids can realize they can do what is expected of them and do it with quality and excellence then that will make for a great year. My hope is that reading will become more enjoyable for all of them, that they will grow with anticipation when reading a book and that they would choose to read their book over watching T.V. or playing on their DS, Wii, or XBox! I know that each grade comes with it's own struggles, but it can not be any more difficult than last year!
I also hope that this year will be one where we can spend more time as a family, going places and experiencing new places together. I hope my girls and Jackson find a really good friend, one they are inseparable from. Zachary has a few close friends that he does many things with, these selected boys have been together for many years and hopefully they will remain close as they reconnect in a new school.

This year will be a year of hope, a year of progress, and hopefully a year of wonderful memories!!


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